An improvisation is adopted ,where Sri Purandara adopts to twinning of beats and notes. Each note when repeated twice,will provide a different effect ,when compared to the same elongated swara. For instance, : SS will be more rigorous than S, .
S, would indicate subtlety SS would appear more vivid. SS should be presented as S,RS which includes bending of each note towards the next note.
Although both consume the same time on the taala. Each beat in the taala is also repeated twice. This procedure of singing different patterns of swaras in various speeds , will add more strength and rigor to the voice/instrument, which would inturn produce more polished effects on singing. This is one of most important aspect in voice culture techniques.
All these vocal exercises is being experimented in a Sampoorna raga (Raga which has all 7 swaras) ,which gives the learner, freedom to navigate through different swara patterns,which is a boon gifted by Sri Purandara. We often tend to overlook his contributions as learners and teachers of Carnatic music.
If there is a syllabus which is instituting the Saptha swaras and parallely aiming at culturing ones' voice, Sri Purandara Dasaru scores over as the Sangeetha Pitamaha.